Bill Handel

Bill Handel

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Bed Bath and Beyond Is Back... But Online Only

Bed Bath and Beyond Store

Photo: NoDerog / iStock Unreleased / Getty Images

Guess what's back? If you, guessed Bed, Bath and Beyond? You are right!!

Overstock’s website relaunched as, a move that merges Overstock’s online business model and merchandise categories with popular branded products favored by Bed Bath & Beyond shoppers.

Overstock purchased the Bath & Beyond’s name, with a winning bid of $21.5 million worth for its assets.

Good news for active members of the former Bed Bath & Beyond loyalty program, as Overstock will be offering up to "$50 in unused loyalty rewards points for active members of the... former loyalty program."

Bed Bath & Beyond announced back in April that they would close all 360 stores and go out of business.

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